Wednesday 29 June 2011

Quick and Easy Hot and Sour Soup

This easy recipe actually took longer to write and post than it did to make, enjoy.

6 cups stock, homemade or low sodium store bought chicken (veggie or beef)
1 cup finely chopped baby boc choi
1 cup finely chopped chinese broccoli
1/2 finely chopped green onion
2 eggs beaten
1 tbsp lemongrass
1 tbsp chili pepper

when fresh aren't readily available I swear by these

in a large pot bring stock to boiling point, stirring gently in the same circular direction slowly pour in beaten eggs and let swirl until cooked, takes only a few seconds, add remaining ingredients and cook untill greens are tender but not mushy (3-5 minutes)

Garnish with chow mien noodles or a handful of sesame seeds

Vegan variation: use veggie stock and omit the egg

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